9 PF Seats Declared Vacant And ECZ To Hold Elections!! The Speaker of the National Assembly on 3rd July, declared the nine seats of Members of Parliament from the Patriotic Front that recently lost their case in the Constitutional Court challenging their expulsion by Miles Sampa. Those affected are; Ronald Kaoma Chitotela (Pambashe) Nickson Chilangwa( Kawambwa), Christopher Kangombe (Kamfinsa), Remember Chanda Mutale ( Chitambo), Brian Mundubile ( Mporokoso), Stephen Kampyongo (Shiwangandu), Mulenga Fube (Chilubi) and Mutotwe Kafwaya. Speaker has refused to recognise the letter written by Miles Sampa renouncing the expulsion stating that Morgan Ng’ona, the so-called Secretary General should have written the letter of renunciation to the Speaker. The Speaker has also refused information that shows a process was filed in the Constitutional Court against the earlier judgement.